Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ok, Just Stuff It!

In my world, the fall season is a grand reason to rejoice. Nothing can compare to a lovely mixture of crisp air, the crunch of leaves underfoot, a flowerbed full of mums and pansies, open windows, and the scent of that first fire that a neighbor has roaring in their fireplace. With all its glory, fall brings those wonderful orange spheres that we scoop out, carve, embellish, and recreate in so many ways.  Well, this season is no different and it's time to share some things I've found on the web. So as I enduldge in a little Palladia, let me show you these:

                                                                 Woodland Pumpkin

How darling is this little guy?? A ragged, tattered elegance. It wouldn't find its way back into seasonal storage until spring!

What a sassy little mess from Tami Johnson out of Helena, Montana. This little guy deserves to be tucked into your fireplace arrangement or just loved.

                                                         Upcycled Sweater Pumpkins

Whimsy Workshop makes these. Now, every sweater in my house is in danger. Pastor Astor's sweater drawer is fair game!

Now wasn't that fun and doesn't it just want to make you drag out your sewing machine, your hot glue and stuff a pumpkin you have just created? Listen to good music and let those creative juices flow.

Speaking of music, I wonder if I'm the only Christian woman that wrestles with my passion for Jesus, music, and how it all fits together in my lifestyle? I'm trying to decide what I think about Florence and the Machine. The sound is intriguing, yet I pick and choose what are acceptable lyrics. Too dark? Unedifying? Therein lies the rub. It all seems to move along quite well and then the lyrics mess up the whole thing. My previous life was filled with a plethera of music. As a young teenager, I can remember slipping off to bed with my little radio hidden under my pillow. Every night was a concert, jamming to the likes of Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Linda Ronstandt, and the list goes on. Grandma's quilt would be in a jumble from rocking the night away. I believe I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as 'Christian music'. <gasps are heard > I'm thinking that there is music and then there are lyrics. It all depends on your cultural exposure, and if the Holy Spirit resides within your heart. All the rest is preference. In our church, every generation has a different preference in music. The Southern Gospel bunch thumb their noses at the contemporary group and vice versa. Let's get real! Do we really think that those raised on U2 are going to have the same taste in music as those raised on Lawrence Welk or Buddy Holly? I don't think so. While the context will change when God steps into a life, the sound probably stays the same. At least that's been my experience. I do love the richness of some of the old hymns. Many times the lyrics are filled with Biblical truth. Not always. I've caught myself looking hard at all of those old lyrics, only to discover that I refuse to sing a few of them. I mean, come on! How do I know that my mansion is over a hilltop? That's up to God. But I do know that God is good...all the time!

I'll never forget the looks on faces when I stated that I didn't think there was such a thing as Christian music, but only Christian lyrics and that all the rest was preference. Yes, it is true. But I'm from an alien planet, question Christian cultural mores  and I love this:

and this

"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2

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