Monday, September 10, 2012

A Walk on the Wild Stealth Mode

A trip to Dillards is in order!

I really have to tell you why it will be in 'stealth mode'. Superficial guilt? Why do I feel like I need to shop at the tag sale? Don't get me wrong. I shop at tag sales from time to time. But then when I want to go to a nicer department store,  I do crazy things like: consider the time I will go so the odds of our women in the congregation would be slim-to- none of being there.


We know how that works. It's right up there with thinking, "If I run in the store really quickly, I won't run in to anyone that will see that I haven't bothered to put on my face today, or wash my hair yet, or see me in this ratty tshirt that I momentarily slipped on."  (that one bites me every time) 

But, oh, to slip off to Dillards and wonder through the cosmetic department! (I really want that Mac eyeliner brush!) So, today, I must make a decision....

                                                   It's off to the Mac cosmetic counter!
                         New eyeliner would go so well with my ninja mask. Don't you think???

Just one little purchase to splurge. New mascara from Dillards, twice a year.(the brush will have to wait) I think I can live with that!

The guilt from this little splurge may be false guilt.

Reminder: check my heart on this issue!

Romans 8:1-2 says:

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,  because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

I may just bat my lashes a few times at Pastor Astor. Uh, huh. I will do that!!

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