Sunday, September 15, 2013

Now to Exhale!

Life has changed.

It has been some time since I've posted and one thing I can attest to is that nothing stays the same. Especially in God's economy!

We are in 'holding pattern'. At first, it was rather nice to be able to spend time with friends and family, worshipping with them, visiting them, and, basically, just being footloose and fancy-free for a time. But...then it became a bit too different and started to feel too loose and not bonded to a local Body of Believers. God has answered our prayers and placed us in a local church that seems to be so welcoming! Our Pastor is a wise and godly man, as is his wife. I have come to grips with the fact that it's okay to stop, pull up to the table and feast. Be quiet and learn.

Part of the beauty of the local Church would be our brothers and sisters. God gives us so many gifts that are ministered to us by other believers, for the edification of the Church. We are to be ready to do the same. Forget all the tradition for traditions sake, the horizontal worship, the mindset of just 'showing up'. Strip it all away, dust our feet off, look heavenward. As our Pastor said today, "It's all about vertical worship!"

What else is there in the grand scheme of things? Now......pull up to that table of the feast, worship, love, learn, serve....and....exhale!

Love and washing my hands for that meal,
Ms Pastor Astor's Wife

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